i and The Homeless Poets' Cafe
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Julia Vinograd !featured work: Street Fiddler
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Bio excerpts from The Cutting Edge by Julia Vinograd published by Zeitgeist Press: Julia is a Berkeley street poet, a bohemian lady known the world over for her Telegraph Avenue promenades, blowing bubbles and spreading peace. Julia received a B.A. from U.C. Berkeley and an M.F.A. from the University of Iowa. She has published 44 books of poetry, and won the American Book Award of The.Before.Columbus.Foundation. For more poetry from Julia Vinograd, see: Lies People Tell or Julia's own website at
The Cutting Edge, a 69 page book of poetry, the latest from Julia Vinograd, can be purchased by sending $5 to Zeitgeist Press; 1630 University Avenue #34; Berkeley, CA 94703; USA.